Beyond Ambition: The Key to Success Lies in Your Core Motivators
In the pursuit of having a successful career, many individuals are often encouraged to be ambitious, striving for promotions, recognition and an attractive salary.
Moving from Detail to Big Picture
As your career progresses and you are elevated to more senior positions your responsibilities widen.
Chaos to Clarity
There are stories every year of businesses coming undone due to a lack of governance with the right people expertise involved. Take for example the recently reported demise of the global co-working company We Work. An international success story one day and a failed business the next due, in part, to the lack of appropriate governance.
Strategy — Ingredients for Success
In my view, the word Strategy suffers from overuse, its meaning has been diluted and confused. Yes, the word strategy is part and parcel of business language and yet it is often used incorrectly or simply misunderstood.
Energising Middle Management
I have always thought of middle management as the engine room, the crucial conduit interpreting direction from the Executive and translating it to their teams operationally.