RISE Coaching Program
Changing the dial on female representation in management positions
You can make a difference to the female representation conversation!
Are you tired of having groundhog day conversations about female representation at senior levels of your organisation?
Do you have talented females in your team and you want to nurture that potential?
Do you have females applying for internal roles and not landing the gig?
Can you see a young woman in your team that continually downplays her abilities and appears to be her own worst enemy?
Sound familiar?
Introducing the RISE Leadership Coaching Program
1:1 coaching that will build confidence, self-belief and clarity on career goals
Includes discovering her PRINT - leadership tool that reveals her unconscious motivators and leverages this information to become more purpose driven and what value she brings to her work, team and workplace
Prepares her for when she next applies for a role within your organisation
Cultivates the leaders of tomorrow.